Hhhmmm ... that last headline gets you thinking. Time is tight; you have greater than one paper to write. You're overly stressed and sleep deprived. Maybe a fast look wouldn't hurt. You alter your research focus from the subject of your paper to identifying which composing service is the best. Inside these sites you find carefully crafted copy and pictures of students just like you smiling, hanging out with their friends instead of stressed out in the cold library or a solitary dorm room. Tempting, isn't it?
Do not take the lure. "Why not?" you ask.Here are my 5 top reasons why buying a term paper is a bad idea.
1. It is a crime.
No, you will not go to jail, but take a look at your university's honor code. Colleges and universities have strict rules about plagiarism. If you are caught submitting a bought paper, you could be expelled on the grounds of plagiarism. Even if they let you stay, this act will go in your student record, ruining any future opportunities for higher learning.
2. You'll get caught.
If you purchase an "first" paper from a writing service, it will lack your style. Teachers are brighter than you may think. If you believe writing a term paper is nerve-racking, try convincing a school professor that you did not cheat on an assignment. Were you aware that lots of schools have software to assist them with validating the originality of papers?
3. It will not be 100% original.
Many of these services leverage databases of other works they've created. How else would you think they can adequately research a paper, compose and edit it within a two to three week time period for under $30? Even should they alter various sections, there will not be enough original copy to keep you from getting caught.
4. It will not be on target.
You are purchasing a service from a small business. Speed and efficacy is imperative for their sake to turn a profit. Their goal would be to enable you to get a paper that's good enough for the price. To do this, as I mentioned previously, they farm content from various other papers in exactly the same area of study.
This approach results in dull, universal statements instead of the nicely articulated arguments your teachers are seeking and often you'll not really receive it in the appropriate APA style format like it ought to be.
5. It's probably worse than everything you might write.
Do you really want to cover a fee to delay the pressure of composing a paper and then be given a file you are ashamed to turn in?