Hooks for Research

on вторник, 4 сентября 2018 г.
Scientific-research work of the Center is carried out on the basis of a research laboratory and has two main directions: chemical-technological and microbiological. The laboratory includes chemists, microbiologists, engineers of the pulp and paper industry (including 5 candidates and 1 doctor of science).

The laboratory specialists carry out scientific research on general and priority areas of conservation; on the problems demanded by the NLR and Russian libraries; current research of documents in the process of restoration. An important place in the work is the development of theory and practice of conservation of cultural heritage sites, development and implementation of innovative technologies in the field of conservation and conservation of cultural monuments, as well as ethical and economic aspects of safeguarding the book cultural heritage. Much attention is paid to the preparation of scientific works and methodological aids, state standards; survey and assessment of the conditions of storage facilities and documents.
The research laboratory of the Center is equipped with modern research equipment, including the Elrepho spectrophotometer (Sweden) complete with the L & M Color Brightness software (Sweden), the Leica DM-2000 microscope with a camera (Germany) and the Leica Application Seut and Image Scope software, a gas chromatograph of the firm KARLO ERBA (Italy), spectrophotometers for infrared and ultraviolet research by SHIMADZU (Japan), BLM 8802M and PD-20N bioluminometers from KIKKOMAN (Japan), equipment for the production of Rapid- Kothe n (Austria), numerous domestic and foreign paper testing instruments, microscopes, pH meters, climatic chambers of firms "TABAI" (Japan) and "BINDER" (Germany) for artificial aging of materials.


